Aloy Florist | Chinatown

Aloy Florist
531 Upper Cross St, #02-65 Hong Lim Complex, Singapore 050531
Phone Number
+65 8112 8228
Opening Hours
Monday  10:30AM to 7:30PM
Tuesday  10:30AM to 7:30PM
Wednesday  10:30AM to 7:30PM
Thursday  10:30AM to 7:30PM
Friday  10:30AM to 7:30PM
Saturday  10:30AM to 7:30PM
Sunday  Closed
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This Florist
Based on customer reviews, this florist seems to offer a great selection of flowers and a convenient location. Customers have mentioned that the staff is helpful and accommodating, willing to work within their budget.

The prices seem to be reasonable compared to neighboring shops, making it a preferred choice for future flower purchases. Overall, customers seem to have had a positive and bright experience at this florist and are likely to return in the future.

Flowers, Items & Services
Based on the customer reviews, this florist sells:
1) Sunflowers
2) Greeting cards
3) Various types of flowers
4) Customizable bouquets
5) Good customer service
6) Convenient location in Hong Lim / Chinatown Point area
About Our Reviews
The analysis above is generated based on reviews by actual customers. The views & opinions expressed on this page are those of actual customers and do not reflect the views of WhereCrowded.
Help make the review for this place better & more accurate by sharing your review/feedback.

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2 Havelock Rd, #03-18 Havelock 2 Mall, Singapore 059763

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531 Upper Cross St, #01-45, Singapore 050531 (Gucco Tower)

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195 Pearl's Hill Terrace 02, #38C, Singapore 168976

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