Angsan Chinese Physician & Medical Hall | Ang Mo Kio
- Address
Angsan Chinese Physician & Medical Hall
6 01 Ang Mo Kio Ave 6, #5127 Block 635, Singapore 560635 - Phone Number
- +65 6451 4511
- Opening Hours
Monday Closed
Tuesday 10AM to 12:30PM, 2:30 to 8PM
Wednesday 10AM to 12:30PM, 2:30 to 8PM
Thursday 10AM to 12:30PM, 2:30 to 8PM
Friday 10AM to 12:30PM, 2:30 to 8PM
Saturday 10AM to 12:30PM, 2:30 to 8PM
Sunday 10AM to 12:30PM
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This TCM Clinic
Overall, the reviews of this place paint a negative picture of the experience. Patients have reported ongoing issues with blocked noses even after treatment, as well as concerns about the credibility and professionalism of the doctor.
Some reviewers have also mentioned previous disciplinary actions against the doctor, further casting doubt on the quality of care provided at this establishment. -
Recent Reviews
- Despite some negative reviews and past suspension, people appreciate this place for its treatment of nose issues and may value the doctor's expertise in non-surgical methods.
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The analysis above is generated based on reviews by actual customers. The views & opinions expressed on this page are those of actual customers and do not reflect the views of WhereCrowded.
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