Assure Family TCM Clinic 安康家庭中医诊所 | Ang Mo Kio

Assure Family TCM Clinic 安康家庭中医诊所
Blk 128 Ang Mo Kio Ave 3, #01-1861, Singapore 560128
Phone Number
+65 8508 5756
Opening Hours
Monday  10AM to 1PM, 2 to 4:30PM, 6 to 8PM
Tuesday  10AM to 1PM, 2 to 4:30PM, 6 to 8PM
Wednesday  Closed
Thursday  10AM to 1PM, 2 to 4:30PM, 6 to 8PM
Friday  10AM to 1PM, 2 to 4:30PM, 6 to 8PM
Saturday  10AM to 1PM, 2 to 4PM
Sunday  10AM to 1PM
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This TCM Clinic
Based on the reviews, this clinic is highly recommended by patients for its cleanliness, professional and friendly TCM doctor, effective treatments, and affordable charges. Patients have seen improvements in their various health conditions such as De Quervain, shoulder pain, neck sprain, persistent cough, and stiff neck after consulting with Physician Charmaine Ting.

They appreciate her patience, expertise, and genuine concern for their well-being. Overall, the clinic provides excellent care, treatment, and service, making patients feel reassured and relieved in the hands of Dr Charmaine.

Patients appreciate the cleanliness, professionalism, expertise, and caring nature of Physician Charmaine Ting, who provides effective treatments for various health issues with acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
TCM Clinics
  • Assure Family TCM Clinic 安康家庭中医诊所 is featured in The Best TCM Clinics In Ang Mo Kio

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