Ban San Chuan Hoe Kee - TCM | Ang Mo Kio

- Address
Ban San Chuan Hoe Kee - TCM
410 Ang Mo Kio Ave 10, #01-819, Singapore 560410 - Phone Number
- +65 6454 8949
- Opening Hours
Monday 8:15AM to 2PM
Tuesday 8:15AM to 2PM
Wednesday 8:15AM to 2PM
Thursday 8:15AM to 2PM
Friday 8:15AM to 2PM
Saturday 8:15AM to 2PM
Sunday 8:15AM to 2PM
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This TCM Clinic
Based on the reviews, this place offers a wide variety of herbs at reasonable prices and has friendly and knowledgeable staff. Customers appreciate the affordable prices and the trusted advice provided by the staff.
Overall, the reviews suggest a positive and satisfying experience, with many customers stating they would return. -
Recent Reviews
- Customers love the reasonable prices, wide selection of herbs, friendly staff, and trusted advice at this place.
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