BCT TCM Clinic | Toa Payoh

- Address
BCT TCM Clinic
123 Lor 1 Toa Payoh, Singapore 310123 - Phone Number
- +65 6250 5880
- Opening Hours
Monday 9:30AM to 11PM
Tuesday 9:30AM to 11PM
Wednesday 9:30AM to 11PM
Thursday 9:30AM to 11PM
Friday 9:30AM to 11PM
Saturday 9:30AM to 11PM
Sunday 9:30AM to 11PM
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This TCM Clinic
Overall, based on the reviews, this place seems to have a mix of experiences. While some customers have had negative experiences with the physician falling asleep during massages and feeling cheated, the majority of reviewers have had positive experiences.
The physicians are described as experienced, meticulous, patient, attentive, and going the extra mile to ensure their patients recover well and fast. The therapists are also praised for their professionalism, hygiene practices, and use of various traditional Chinese medicine techniques.
Overall, it seems that this place is recommended for those in need of TCM attention, with many customers expressing satisfaction and a willingness to return for future treatments. -
Recent Reviews
- People love the experienced, attentive, and patient TCM physician who goes above and beyond to ensure their patients recover well and fast, with a focus on personalized care and prevention of symptoms from occurring again.
TCM Clinics
- BCT TCM Clinic is featured in The Best TCM Clinics In Toa Payoh
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About Our Reviews
The analysis above is generated based on reviews by actual customers. The views & opinions expressed on this page are those of actual customers and do not reflect the views of WhereCrowded.
- Help make the review for this place better & more accurate by sharing your review/feedback.
TCM Clinics In Toa Payoh
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71 Lor 4 Toa Payoh, #01-383, Singapore 310071
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Block 95 Lor 4 Toa Payoh, #01 - 58, Singapore 310095
126 LORONG 1 TOAPAYOH #01-557, Singapore 310126
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212 Lor 8 Toa Payoh, #01-33, Singapore 310212