Cellini - The Centrepoint | Orchard

- Address
Cellini - The Centrepoint
176 Orchard Rd, #03-38 The Centrepoint, Singapore 238843 - Phone Number
- +65 6334 1926
- Opening Hours
Monday 10:30AM to 9PM
Tuesday 10:30AM to 9PM
Wednesday 10:30AM to 9PM
Thursday 10:30AM to 9PM
Friday 10:30AM to 9PM
Saturday 10:30AM to 9PM
Sunday 10:30AM to 9PM
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This Furniture Store
Based on the reviews, it is clear that this business, Centrepoint Cellini, provides excellent customer service. Customers have mentioned staff members such as Crystal and Jeremy being patient, friendly, and knowledgeable.
The delivery team has also been praised for their careful and friendly service. Customers have expressed satisfaction with the products they have purchased, highlighting the quality and comfort of the furniture.
Overall, Centrepoint Cellini seems to be a reliable and customer-focused business that goes above and beyond to ensure a positive shopping experience for its customers. -
Recent Reviews
- Customers appreciate patient and friendly staff members like Crystal and Jeremy who provide good advice, recommendations, and excellent service, along with careful and friendly delivery teams.
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The analysis above is generated based on reviews by actual customers. The views & opinions expressed on this page are those of actual customers and do not reflect the views of WhereCrowded.
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