Children's Cove Preschool - Novena | Novena

- Address
Children's Cove Preschool - Novena
11 Akyab Rd, Singapore 309975 - Phone Number
- +65 6655 2401
- Website
- Opening Hours
Monday 7AM to 7PM
Tuesday 7AM to 7PM
Wednesday 7AM to 7PM
Thursday 7AM to 7PM
Friday 7AM to 7PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This Preschool
Based on customer reviews, this school has received high praise for its outdoor activities, utilization of open spaces, and hands-on learning approach. Parents appreciate the friendly and caring teachers who communicate regularly and create a warm atmosphere for the children.
The school's colonial house location creates a quaint and comfortable environment for students, and the inclusion of Mandarin language learning adds to the well-rounded preschool experience. Overall, the school is highly recommended for those seeking a nurturing and engaging educational setting for their children.
Recent Reviews
- The school is highly recommended for its outdoor activities, caring and communicative teachers, and hands-on learning experiences that children enjoy.
- Children's Cove Preschool - Novena is featured in The Best Preschools In Novena
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The analysis above is generated based on reviews by actual customers. The views & opinions expressed on this page are those of actual customers and do not reflect the views of WhereCrowded.
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