Clippers Barber @ Causeway Point | Woodlands

Clippers Barber @ Causeway Point
1 Woodlands Square, #04-22 Causeway Point, Singapore 738099
Opening Hours
Monday  10:30AM to 9:30PM
Tuesday  10:30AM to 9:30PM
Wednesday  10:30AM to 9:30PM
Thursday  10:30AM to 9:30PM
Friday  10:30AM to 9:30PM
Saturday  10:30AM to 9:30PM
Sunday  10:30AM to 9:30PM
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This Barber Shop
Based on the customer reviews, this barbershop seems to offer a consistently positive experience. Customers appreciate the professionalism, dedication, and attentiveness of the barbers.

The barbers take the time to understand the customers' needs and provide excellent service. However, there have been some issues with opening on time, which has caused customers to leave.

Overall, the barbershop receives high praise for the quality of haircuts and the skill of the barbers. Customers seem satisfied and are likely to return for future haircuts.

- Based On Reviews By Actual Customers
Overall Experience
Customers praise the professional and attentive service provided by the barbers, with some experiencing slight delays in opening time but overall highly recommending the experience.

Barber Shops In Woodlands

QC House

70 Woodlands Ave 7, Singapore 738344

Band of Barberz @ Woodlands E7

200 Woodlands Industrial Pk E7, #01-10 Woodlands Recreation Centre, Singapore 757177

Clippers Barber @ Causeway Point

1 Woodlands Square, #04-22 Causeway Point, Singapore 738099

kcuts @ Woodlands MRT(TEL)

11 Woodlands Square, B1-30 At Woodlands MRT Station, Singapore 737736

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