East Coast Park C4 Fitness Corner | Marine Parade

- Address
East Coast Park C4 Fitness Corner
Singapore - Website
- http://www.nparks.gov.sg/
- Opening Hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This Gym / Personal Trainer
Based on customer reviews, the overall experience at the gym located at East Coast Carpark C4 seems to be quite positive. The location near the fitness area makes it convenient for those looking to exercise outdoors, with the added benefit of cat lovers getting together on Saturdays.
The park itself offers amenities such as a campsite, BBQ pit, and beautiful sunset views, making it a great spot for family outdoor activities and relaxation. However, it is important to note that the gym is currently under renovation and is scheduled to be completed in October 2023.
Some customers have mentioned that the area is overbuilt, but overall it seems to be a nice place for picnics and relaxation. -
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Gyms / Fitness Studios In Marine Parade
East Coast Park C4 Fitness Corner
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