Eye & Retina Surgeons @ Camden Medical | Orchard

- Address
Eye & Retina Surgeons @ Camden Medical
1 Orchard Boulevard, #13-03, Camden Medical Centre, Singapore 248649
(Camden Medical) - Phone Number
- +65 6738 2000
- Website
- https://www.ers.clinic/
- Opening Hours
Monday 9AM to 5PM
Tuesday 9AM to 5PM
Wednesday 9AM to 5PM
Thursday 9AM to 5PM
Friday 9AM to 5PM
Saturday 9AM to 12PM
Sunday Closed
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This Eye Clinic
The overall experience of this clinic, Eye&Retina Surgeons, based on customer reviews is mixed. While some patients have had negative experiences with rescheduling appointments, arrogant receptionists, long wait times, and additional charges for medical reports, others have had positive experiences praising the care and professionalism of the doctors, cleanliness of the clinic, and the friendly and caring staff.
Overall, the clinic seems to have a combination of both positive and negative aspects, with some patients highly recommending it while others have had disappointing experiences. -
Recent Reviews
- Patients appreciate the exceptional care and professionalism of the doctors, the clean and modern atmosphere of the clinic, and the friendly and helpful staff, making it a highly recommended choice for eye care.
Eye Clinics
- Eye & Retina Surgeons @ Camden Medical is featured in The Best Eye Clinics In Orchard
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The analysis above is generated based on reviews by actual customers. The views & opinions expressed on this page are those of actual customers and do not reflect the views of WhereCrowded.
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