Fong Heng Industrial Supply Pte Ltd | Jurong West

- Address
Fong Heng Industrial Supply Pte Ltd
3 Soon Lee St, #01-08 Pioneer Junction, Singapore 627606 - Phone Number
- +65 6513 3163
- Opening Hours
Monday 8AM to 6PM
Tuesday 8AM to 6PM
Wednesday 8AM to 6PM
Thursday 8AM to 6PM
Friday 8AM to 6PM
Saturday 8AM to 6PM
Sunday 8AM to 6PM
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This DIY & Hardware Store
The products sold here are of high quality and work perfectly for my needs. The salesperson was very knowledgeable and helped me choose the right drill for my specific requirements.
The staff was also very friendly and provided excellent customer service. Overall, my experience at this place was great and I would highly recommend it to others looking for quality tools and helpful assistance.
Recent Reviews
- Based on the reviews, people likely bought a drill from a company with helpful and patient salesperson, polite and helpful staff.
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