Gata Design Hair Studio | Woodlands

- Address
Gata Design Hair Studio
785E Woodlands Rise, Singapore 735785 - Phone Number
- +65 9125 6813
- Opening Hours
Monday 10:30AM to 7PM
Tuesday 10:30AM to 7PM
Wednesday 10:30AM to 7PM
Thursday 10:30AM to 7PM
Friday 10:30AM to 7PM
Saturday 10:30AM to 7PM
Sunday 10:30AM to 7PM
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This Hair Salon
Overall, the customer reviews for this business are quite mixed. While there are some positive comments about the service provided by specific stylists, there are also several negative experiences that have been shared.
Many customers have mentioned issues with the quality of haircuts they received, with complaints about stylists not being experienced with certain hair types, not listening to customer requests, and even being distracted during the haircut. There were also concerns raised about the cleanliness and safety measures in place during the pandemic.
Although there are some positive reviews about the friendliness of the staff and the overall atmosphere of the business, the overall consensus seems to be that there are some significant areas for improvement. It appears that the quality of service can vary greatly depending on which stylist you are assigned, and there may be some inconsistencies in the level of professionalism and skill among the staff.
It seems that this business could benefit from better training for its stylists and a more consistent approach to customer service in order to provide a better overall experience for all customers. -
Recent Reviews
- Inconsistent service and inexperienced stylists, with one exceptionally positive experience and long wait times for treatments.
Hair Salons
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The analysis above is generated based on reviews by actual customers. The views & opinions expressed on this page are those of actual customers and do not reflect the views of WhereCrowded.
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