Good Luck Provision Shop 好运超市 | Serangoon

- Address
Good Luck Provision Shop 好运超市
264 Serangoon Central, #01-217, Singapore 550264
(Serangoon Central) - Phone Number
- +65 6282 2177
- Opening Hours
Monday 7:30AM to 9:30PM
Tuesday 7:30AM to 9:30PM
Wednesday 7:30AM to 9:30PM
Thursday 7:30AM to 9:30PM
Friday 7:30AM to 9:30PM
Saturday 7:30AM to 9:30PM
Sunday 7:30AM to 9:30PM
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This Supermarket
Overall, the provision shop seems to offer a wide range of products at competitive prices, making it a convenient option for residents in the area. Some customers have had positive experiences with the quality of certain products such as durians and find the pricing to be good.
However, there have been some instances of miscommunication with staff and occasional issues with pricing. Despite some minor drawbacks, the majority of customers find the shop to be a favorite and appreciate the convenience it provides.
Recent Reviews
- People like this place for its competitive prices, wide variety of goods, fresh fruits section, and convenient location serving the local community.
- Good Luck Provision Shop 好运超市 is featured in The Best Supermarkets In Serangoon
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The analysis above is generated based on reviews by actual customers. The views & opinions expressed on this page are those of actual customers and do not reflect the views of WhereCrowded.
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