Guardian Health & Beauty - Greenwich Village | Sengkang

Guardian Health & Beauty - Greenwich Village
1 Seletar Rd, #01-02/16 Greenwich Village, Singapore 807011
(Greenwich V)
Phone Number
+65 6753 5685
Opening Hours
Monday  10AM to 10PM
Tuesday  10AM to 10PM
Wednesday  10AM to 10PM
Thursday  10AM to 10PM
Friday  10AM to 10PM
Saturday  10AM to 10PM
Sunday  10AM to 10PM
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This Beauty & Wellness Store
Customers generally have positive experiences shopping at the Guardian store in Greenwich V. They appreciate the convenience of being able to find essential items easily and mention that the staff, particularly Nani, are friendly and helpful.

The store offers a variety of products and customers find it reliable, with friendly cashiers enhancing the overall shopping experience. It comes highly recommended for those looking to shop for their everyday needs.

People like that Greenwich V is a convenient shopping destination with friendly staff and a variety of essentials available.
About Our Reviews
The analysis above is generated based on reviews by actual customers. The views & opinions expressed on this page are those of actual customers and do not reflect the views of WhereCrowded.
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33 Sengkang W Ave, B2-16/17/18 The Seletar Mall, Singapore 797653

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