New Balestier Lighting Pte Ltd | Balestier

- Address
New Balestier Lighting Pte Ltd
529 Balestier Rd, Singapore 329856
(Milchel) - Phone Number
- +65 6908 6885
- Opening Hours
Monday 11AM to 7:30PM
Tuesday 11AM to 7:30PM
Wednesday 11AM to 7:30PM
Thursday 11AM to 7:30PM
Friday 11AM to 7:30PM
Saturday 11AM to 8PM
Sunday 11AM to 6PM
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This Lighting Shop
Based on the reviews, the experience at New Balestier Lighting seems to be a mixed one. Some customers have had negative experiences with the owner, citing poor communication and receiving display sets instead of brand new products.
However, there are also positive reviews highlighting excellent after-sales service and attentive staff members like Zaeson who are knowledgeable and patient. It seems that the products sold at New Balestier Lighting are of good quality, with reasonable prices.
Despite some setbacks in customer service, the shop has managed to retain customers through their dedication to resolving issues and providing a pleasant shopping experience for those who visit. Overall, while there may be some room for improvement in terms of customer service and communication, New Balestier Lighting seems to offer quality products and valuable after-sales support for those who choose to shop there.
Recent Reviews
- Based on the reviews, people bought hanging lights, fans, and lighting products from New Balestier Lighting.
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The analysis above is generated based on reviews by actual customers. The views & opinions expressed on this page are those of actual customers and do not reflect the views of WhereCrowded.
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