Ong Heng Bee Co. | Bedok

Ong Heng Bee Co.
Bedok North Street 3 #01-512, Block 527, Singapore 460527
Phone Number
+65 6443 0754
Opening Hours
Monday  10AM to 7PM
Tuesday  10AM to 7PM
Wednesday  10AM to 7PM
Thursday  10AM to 7PM
Friday  10AM to 7PM
Saturday  10AM to 7PM
Sunday  Closed
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This Bicycle Shop
Based on the customer reviews, this bike shop seems to have a mixed reputation. While some customers have had positive experiences with the staff, receiving good service, expert advice, and even free repairs, others have faced challenges such as unhelpful or unfriendly staff members and higher prices compared to nearby shops.

The shop seems to have a loyal customer base who appreciate the sense of community and personal touch provided by the owner. Overall, the business appears to offer a range of services at affordable prices, but the quality of customer service may vary depending on who is assisting you.

Customers appreciate the excellent service, honesty, expertise, and sense of community provided by the shop owner, Uncle Ricky Ong, despite some inconsistency in service quality from other staff members.
About Our Reviews
The analysis above is generated based on reviews by actual customers. The views & opinions expressed on this page are those of actual customers and do not reflect the views of WhereCrowded.
Help make the review for this place better & more accurate by sharing your review/feedback.

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