Osteopathy Health Partnership | Novena

Osteopathy Health Partnership
101 Irrawaddy Road, 14-01 Royal Square, medical centre, Singapore 329565
(Royal Square at Novena (Royal Square Medical Centre))
Phone Number
+65 6836 1754
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This Physical Therapist & Osteopath
Based on the reviews, Philippe Raoux seems to be an excellent and gentle osteopathic practitioner who has received high praise from his patients. Many people have commented on his soft micro-osteopathy method and how it has helped them with various issues, including pain relief and overall improvement in their well-being.

Patients have also mentioned his attentiveness, kindness, and ability to listen to their needs. Overall, it seems like Philippe Raoux provides excellent osteopathic services and comes highly recommended by those who have visited him.

People love Philippe Raoux for his gentle, effective micro-osteopathy method, his ability to provide relief without pain or cracking, and his attentive, kind approach to treatment.
About Our Reviews
The analysis above is generated based on reviews by actual customers. The views & opinions expressed on this page are those of actual customers and do not reflect the views of WhereCrowded.
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Physical Therapists & Osteopaths In Novena

Virar's Physiotherapy

8 Sinaran Drive, 05-03 Novena Specialist Center, Singapore 307470

The Physio Studio

101 Irrawaddy Rd, #10-10 Medical Centre, Royal Square, Singapore 329565

PhysioActive (Novena)

8 Sinaran Dr, #07-12, Singapore 307470

AEVI Sports and Physio

101 Irrawaddy Rd, #09-04/05/06, Singapore 329565

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