Phoenix Rehab Physio & Hand | Tampines

Phoenix Rehab Physio & Hand
9 Tampines Grande, #01-20 Asia Green, Singapore 528735
(Asia Green)
Phone Number
+65 8780 9608
Opening Hours
Monday  10AM to 6PM
Tuesday  10AM to 6PM
Wednesday  10AM to 6PM
Thursday  10AM to 6PM
Friday  10AM to 6PM
Saturday  10AM to 3PM
Sunday  10AM to 1PM
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This Physical Therapist & Osteopath
Based on the reviews, Phoenix Rehab in Tampines seems to provide exceptional service to their clients. The hand therapist, Nigel, is not only helpful and attentive but also adds a touch of humor to the sessions, making them enjoyable and effective.

Shiv, the physiotherapist, has been praised for his unique approach to treating neck and sports injuries, as well as for his friendliness and attentiveness. Zita has also received positive feedback for her knowledge and ability to provide useful advice and exercises for recovery.

Overall, the professionalism and effectiveness of the therapists at Phoenix Rehab seem to have had a positive impact on the clients' recovery journeys. The simple booking process through WhatsApp is also appreciated, making it easier for clients to schedule appointments.

Based on the positive reviews, Phoenix Rehab in Tampines comes highly recommended for injury management and recovery needs.
People appreciate the attentive and knowledgeable therapists at Phoenix Rehab who provide effective treatments, helpful advice, and personalized care for a variety of injuries and issues.
Physical Therapists & Osteopaths
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    The analysis above is generated based on reviews by actual customers. The views & opinions expressed on this page are those of actual customers and do not reflect the views of WhereCrowded.
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