Small Wonder (Nee Soon - 290 Yishun St 22) | Yishun

Small Wonder (Nee Soon - 290 Yishun St 22)
290 Yishun Street 22, #03-401, Singapore 760290
Phone Number
+65 6786 0066
Opening Hours
Monday  7AM to 7PM
Tuesday  7AM to 7PM
Wednesday  7AM to 7PM
Thursday  7AM to 7PM
Friday  7AM to 7PM
Saturday  7AM to 2PM
Sunday  Closed
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This Preschool
Based on the customer reviews, Small Wonder is highly praised for its dedicated and nurturing staff who create a warm and caring environment for the children. The teachers are commended for their patience, guidance, and ability to push the children to fulfill their potential.

The school is noted for preparing children well for primary school, with a strong emphasis on both academic and holistic development. Parents appreciate the friendly and loveable nature of the staff, as well as the quality education and care provided at Small Wonder.

Overall, the reviews suggest that Small Wonder is a highly recommended preschool for children to grow, develop, and thrive.
Parents appreciate the warm, nurturing environment, dedicated staff, and quality education at Small Wonder, particularly praising teachers like Ms. Anna, Ms. Doreen, Tr. Zainab, and Teacher Zai for their patience, guidance, and effectiveness in helping their children thrive and prepare for primary school.
  • Small Wonder (Nee Soon - 290 Yishun St 22) is featured in The Best Preschools In Yishun

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    The analysis above is generated based on reviews by actual customers. The views & opinions expressed on this page are those of actual customers and do not reflect the views of WhereCrowded.
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