The Caterpillar Clubhouse | Yishun

The Caterpillar Clubhouse
8 Canberra Dr, #01-11 Eight Courtyards, Singapore 768141
Phone Number
+65 9337 1215
Opening Hours
Monday  8AM to 6PM
Tuesday  8AM to 6PM
Wednesday  8AM to 6PM
Thursday  8AM to 6PM
Friday  8AM to 6PM
Saturday  8AM to 6PM
Sunday  Closed
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This Preschool
The Caterpillar Clubhouse at Canberra Drive has provided a transformative and positive experience for many families. The nurturing environment and professional staff have helped children improve their language skills, feel integrated and comfortable, and excel academically.

Parents appreciate the timely communication from the school, cleanliness, safety measures, and one-on-one approach to teaching. The Montessori-based curriculum has been effective in helping children learn through self-directed activities and collaborative play.

Overall, the school has been highly recommended by parents for its friendly and dedicated staff, quality education, and positive impact on children's development.
People appreciate the nurturing environment, professional staff, rapid language acquisition, communication with parents, Montessori curriculum, cleanliness, and one-on-one approach at TCC.
  • The Caterpillar Clubhouse is featured in The Best Preschools In Yishun

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    The analysis above is generated based on reviews by actual customers. The views & opinions expressed on this page are those of actual customers and do not reflect the views of WhereCrowded.
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