The Office Saver | Woodlands

- Address
The Office Saver
61 woodlands industrial park E9,, E9 Premium, #06-17, Singapore 757047 - Phone Number
- +65 9853 7169
- Opening Hours
Monday 9AM to 6PM
Tuesday 9AM to 6PM
Wednesday 9AM to 6PM
Thursday 9AM to 6PM
Friday 9AM to 6PM
Saturday 10AM to 1:30PM
Sunday Closed
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This Furniture Store
Overall, Office Xchange (The Office Saver) has received mixed reviews from customers. While some have praised the quality of the used items purchased, as well as the friendly and helpful staff, others have had negative experiences with the owner, Patrick.
Complaints include receiving old and poor quality items, being hung up on, and dealing with rude and unresponsive customer service. Consistency in product quality and customer service seems to be an issue for this business, with several customers expressing regret in purchasing from them.
It is recommended to proceed with caution when considering buying from Office Xchange (The Office Saver). -
Recent Reviews
- Customers like Office Xchange for their timely delivery, friendly staff, and quality setup of used items, while others dislike the dishonesty, poor customer service, and lack of responsiveness from the seller Patrick.
Furniture Stores
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The analysis above is generated based on reviews by actual customers. The views & opinions expressed on this page are those of actual customers and do not reflect the views of WhereCrowded.
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