Victory Tuition Centre | Clementi
- Address
Victory Tuition Centre
444 Clementi Ave 3, Singapore 120444 - Phone Number
- +65 9478 1598
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This Tuition & Enrichment Class
Based on customer reviews, this place seems to have a highly dedicated and patient teacher who has been successful in helping students grasp mathematical concepts easily. Many students have achieved excellent results, with some even improving from a C6 to an A under the guidance of the tutor.
The teacher is well-liked by students and has a track record of helping students succeed in their G.C.
E O level examinations. Overall, the tuition center appears to be a highly effective and supportive learning environment for students.
Recent Reviews
- Students appreciate the dedicated and patient teaching style of the tutor, resulting in significant improvements in mathematical understanding and exam results.
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The analysis above is generated based on reviews by actual customers. The views & opinions expressed on this page are those of actual customers and do not reflect the views of WhereCrowded.
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