Winter Sleep | Ubi

- Address
Winter Sleep
36 Kaki Bukit Pl, #01-01, Singapore 416214 - Phone Number
- +65 6864 9634
- Opening Hours
Monday 11AM to 7PM
Tuesday 11AM to 7PM
Wednesday 11AM to 7PM
Thursday 11AM to 7PM
Friday 11AM to 7PM
Saturday 11AM to 5PM
Sunday 11AM to 5PM
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This Mattress Store
Based on the reviews, it seems like Winter Sleep offers high-quality mattresses that are both cooling and comfortable to sleep on. Many customers have praised the firmness and comfort level of the mattresses, with some noting the cooling effect which is great for Singapore's hot weather.
The showroom experience seems to have been positive for most, with customers mentioning that they found the right mattress after trying out different options. However, there is one complaint about the after-sales service, with a customer mentioning difficulties in contacting the company for assistance.
This could be an area that Winter Sleep needs to improve on to ensure a seamless experience for all customers. Overall, Winter Sleep seems to provide a good selection of mattresses that cater to different preferences, with a focus on quality and comfort.
If you're looking for a cooling and comfortable mattress, it might be worth checking out Winter Sleep's offerings. -
Recent Reviews
- Customers like the cooling effect, comfort, firmness, and overall quality of sleep provided by the Winter Sleep mattress.
Mattress Stores
- Winter Sleep is featured in The Best Mattress Stores In Ubi
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The analysis above is generated based on reviews by actual customers. The views & opinions expressed on this page are those of actual customers and do not reflect the views of WhereCrowded.
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53 Ubi Avenue 1, Paya Ubi Industrial Park #03-24, Singapore 408934
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39 Ubi Rd 1, #06-01, Singapore 408695
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