Xing Jian TCM Clinic 行健醫館 | Sengkang

- Address
Xing Jian TCM Clinic 行健醫館
455 Sengkang W Ave, #01-07, Singapore 790455 - Phone Number
- +65 6449 9066
- Opening Hours
Monday 10:30AM to 8PM
Tuesday 10:30AM to 8PM
Wednesday 10:30AM to 5:30PM
Thursday 10:30AM to 8PM
Friday 10:30AM to 8PM
Saturday 10:30AM to 8PM
Sunday 10:30AM to 8PM
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This TCM Clinic
The overall experience of this place, based on the reviews, is highly positive. Customers praise Dr Lai for his friendly demeanor, impressive knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine, and effective treatment methods.
Many have found relief from various issues such as scoliosis, stiff neck, and sprained ankles after visiting Dr Lai. While some find his methods slightly painful, the results are considered well worth it.
Dr Lai is commended for not just treating symptoms but also addressing the root causes of issues and providing valuable lifestyle advice. Despite his straightforward approach, he is appreciated for his professionalism and skill.
Overall, the majority of reviewers highly recommend visiting Dr Lai for quality treatment and care. -
Recent Reviews
- People like Dr Lai for his professionalism, skill, and ability to effectively treat various physical issues by identifying the source of the problem and providing valuable advice for improvement.
TCM Clinics
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The analysis above is generated based on reviews by actual customers. The views & opinions expressed on this page are those of actual customers and do not reflect the views of WhereCrowded.
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