Yi Xing TCM Clinic | Toa Payoh

- Address
Yi Xing TCM Clinic
94 Lor 4 Toa Payoh, #01-16, Singapore 310094
(Associate Dispensaries) - Phone Number
- +65 8236 3957
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This TCM Clinic
Mao Yi Shi is a dedicated and passionate TCM practitioner who is highly respected by her patients. She continually seeks to expand her knowledge and skills, and even volunteers to provide treatment to those in need around the world.
Patients appreciate her humble nature, reasonable fees, and genuine care for their well-being. With her expertise in a variety of treatments such as cupping and acupuncture, she has successfully helped many with their health issues.
Overall, Mao Yi Shi's clinic is highly recommended for those seeking effective and caring traditional Chinese medicine treatment. -
Recent Reviews
- People like Mao Yi Shi for her passion, humility, reasonable fees, and effectiveness in providing Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments for various health issues.
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