ZTP | Punggol

BLK 168 Punggol Fld, #01-16 Punggol Plaza, Singapore 820168
(Punggol Plaza)
Phone Number
+65 6343 8215
Opening Hours
Monday  9AM to 8PM
Tuesday  9AM to 8PM
Wednesday  9AM to 8PM
Thursday  9AM to 8PM
Friday  9AM to 8PM
Saturday  9AM to 8PM
Sunday  9AM to 8PM
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This TCM Clinic
The herbal tea shop at Punggol Plaza offers a wide selection of products and is conveniently located. However, the shop's early closing time may inconvenience those with office hours.

Some customers have also experienced issues with pricing and felt they were misled during their purchases. On the other hand, the shop has been praised for offering good value for money and having friendly staff.

It seems that customers have had mixed experiences at this place.
People like the location for buying herbal tea, the value for money, and the friendly staff at this place.
About Our Reviews
The analysis above is generated based on reviews by actual customers. The views & opinions expressed on this page are those of actual customers and do not reflect the views of WhereCrowded.
Help make the review for this place better & more accurate by sharing your review/feedback.

TCM Clinics In Punggol

NYOU TCM Clinic (Nam Huat Lee Group)

168 Punggol Fld, # 02-08, Singapore 820168

Hock Leong Ann TCM Clinic (Sumang)

231A Sumang Ln, #01-03 Matilda Court, Singapore 821231

Ed-Cupoint TCM Therapy

(Call Prior) 中医经络骨骼治疗(预约:94575478)Punggol Dr., Block 637B, Singapore 822637

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