The Best Chiropractors In Tiong Bahru

Tiong Bahru, Singapore

Experiencing back pain? Here are the top-rated chiropractors in Tiong Bahru. We analyze the reviews so you don't have to!

The Chiro Boutique

11A Boon Tiong Rd, #01-06, Singapore 161011

Overall, the experience at The Chiro Boutique seems to be highly positive and personalized. Customers praise Dr Adelina and Milly for their professionalism, knowledge, and ability to create a welcoming environment.

The treatments provided are effective in addressing a variety of issues, from shoulder and knee pain to migraines and lower back pain. Clients appreciate the time taken to explain procedures and the tailored approach to each individual's needs.

The friendly and caring atmosphere, along with the noticeable results, make this chiropractic clinic a highly recommended choice for both pain management and preventive care.

Alpha Chiropractic Health

77 Indus Rd, #01-517 Block 77, Singapore 160077

Overall, the experience at Dr Jeff's clinic appears to be highly positive and effective. Many customers have reported significant improvements in their back pain and other issues after regular sessions with Dr Jeff.

His knowledge, professionalism, and adjusting techniques are consistently praised in the reviews. The clinic is described as clean and welcoming, with a friendly and supportive staff.

Customers also appreciate Dr Jeff's personalized treatment plans and exercises to do at home. Additionally, his ability to treat a variety of conditions and provide helpful advice on preventing future injuries has earned him referrals from satisfied customers.

Overall, Dr Jeff seems to offer a thorough, effective, and compassionate chiropractic experience.
Overall, the experience at Natrahea seems to be positive for most customers. The staff are described as friendly and welcoming, with experienced and professional chiropractors and therapists.

Customers have reported improvements in their flexibility, pain relief, and overall health after regular appointments. However, there are some mixed reviews about the consistency of service, with some customers noting issues with appointment scheduling and staff turnover.

It appears that the quality of service may vary depending on the branch and individual experience.

The Chiropractor

72 Seng Poh Rd, #01-61 Block 72, Singapore 160072

Overall, the chiropractic clinic seems to have received positive reviews from customers who have benefited greatly from the services provided. Vismai, the chiropractor, is highly recommended for his ability to adjust posture, alleviate back pain, and improve overall health and energy levels.

However, there seems to be an issue with one of the staff members, Dr Clara, who was perceived as rude and dismissive towards a potential client in need of help. Despite this negative experience, the general consensus is that the chiropractic care provided by Vismai has had a significantly positive impact on customers' well-being.


Equilibrio Chiropractic

298 Tiong Bahru Rd, #13-02 Central Plaza, Singapore 168730

Overall, the customer reviews for Equilibrio Chiropractic & Physiotherapy Center are mixed. While some customers have had positive experiences with skilled chiropractors like Dr Jarol and Dr Sasha, others have expressed dissatisfaction with the pricing structure and refund policies of the center.

The friendly staff and professional treatment received by some customers have led to noticeable improvements in their conditions, but others have felt misled by promotional deals and extra charges. It appears that the overall experience at Equilibrio may vary depending on individual circumstances and expectations.


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