LAC Nutrition for Life (Bukit Panjang Plaza)

Located At
Bukit Panjang Plaza
1 Jelebu Rd. Singapore 677743
Unit Number

# 01-09
Store Address
1 Jelebu Road, #01-09, Bukit Panjang Plaza, Singapore 677743
Phone Number
+65 6769 6795
Opening Hours
Monday 10:30 AM – 9:30 PM
Tuesday 10:30 AM – 9:30 PM
Wednesday 10:30 AM – 9:30 PM
Thursday 10:30 AM – 9:30 PM
Friday 10:30 AM – 9:30 PM
Saturday 10:30 AM – 9:30 PM
Sunday 10:30 AM – 9:30 PM
About This Store
LAC brand, known as Leader in Antioxidative Control™, has gained recognition as a prominent health and wellness supplement brand worldwide. LAC strives to create formulas backed by scientific research, combining eastern wisdom and western technology to counteract the harm caused by free radicals and slow down the aging process caused by oxidative stress. The brand aims to support individuals in enhancing their overall appearance, well-being, and daily performance.

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Based on the limited information provided, it is difficult to form a comprehensive summary of the overall customer experience of the place. The first review mentions good service, a friendly and helpful manager, as well as good savings. However, since the remaining reviews are not provided, it is impossible to draw any conclusions about the overall customer experience.

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