The Smell Lab (United Square)

Located At
United Square
101 Thomson Road. Singapore 307591
Unit Number

#01 - K7
Store Address
United Square, Singapore
Phone Number
6253 9190
About This Store
We offer a diverse selection of essential oils and aromatherapy products that are derived from natural ingredients. Our goal is to provide high-quality items that can both energize and relax your body. We take pleasure in sharing our expertise in aromatherapy to assist you in maximizing the benefits of nature's offerings for a more fulfilling sensory experience.

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Reviews - What People Think About This Shop
Customers have had a wonderful overall experience at The Smell Lab. The shop offers a variety of scents that replicate famous places, with friendly and helpful staff who provide information about the scents. Customers appreciate the quality and affordability of the products, making them great gift options.

Additionally, the staff are praised for their exceptional customer service, going above and beyond to assist customers even with older purchases. This positive customer experience encourages repeat visits and recommendations.
- Based On Reviews By Actual Customers

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