Ashtanga Yoga Nilayam Singapore | Little India

- Address
Ashtanga Yoga Nilayam Singapore
68B Race Course Rd, Singapore 218571 - Phone Number
- +65 8814 9180
- Website
- Opening Hours
Monday 6 to 11AM, 6 to 8PM
Tuesday 6 to 11AM, 7 to 8PM
Wednesday 6 to 11AM, 6 to 8PM
Thursday 6 to 11AM, 7 to 8PM
Friday 6 to 11AM, 6 to 8PM
Saturday 7:30 to 10AM
Sunday 8 to 10AM
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This Yoga Studio / Instructor
Based on the customer reviews, it is clear that Ashtanga Yoga Nilayam is a highly respected and well-loved yoga studio. The teachers, John and Marta, are described as inspirational, patient, and knowledgeable.
The community at the studio is welcoming and supportive, creating a positive environment for students to practice and learn. Both beginners and experienced practitioners praise the studio for its high quality teaching methods and transformative impact on their lives.
The teachers are noted for their ability to provide individualized attention and guidance, helping students progress in their practice. Overall, Ashtanga Yoga Nilayam seems to be a top choice for anyone looking to deepen their understanding and practice of Ashtanga yoga.
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Yoga Studios / Instructors
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Yoga Studios / Instructors In Little India
Ashtanga Yoga Nilayam Singapore
68B Race Course Rd, Singapore 218571