Blissbies SG - Newborn Baby Gifts & Baby Hampers | Paya Lebar

- Address
Blissbies SG - Newborn baby gifts & baby hampers
60 Paya Lebar Rd, #07-54 Paya Lebar Square, Singapore 409051
(Paya Lebar Square) - Phone Number
- +60 11-6145 3840
- Website
- Opening Hours
Monday 9AM to 7PM
Tuesday 9AM to 7PM
Wednesday 9AM to 7PM
Thursday 9AM to 7PM
Friday 9AM to 7PM
Saturday 9AM to 7PM
Sunday Closed
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This Baby Store
Based on the reviews, Blissbies seems to be a wonderful place to shop for newborn baby gifts. Customers have praised the cute packaging, high quality of the toys, and the user-friendly ordering process.
Many have mentioned that the gift sets are beautiful and easy to order, making it a great choice for those looking to purchase a special gift for a new baby or their parents. The option for personalized gifts adds a thoughtful touch that customers appreciate.
Overall, it seems like Blissbies provides a positive shopping experience with lovely products that are perfect for celebrating the arrival of a new bundle of joy. -
Recent Reviews
- Based on the reviews, people likely bought newborn baby gift sets or hampers from Blissbies, specifically looking for cute and personalized items at a reasonable price. The positive comments about the packaging, quality of the toys, ease of ordering, and hope that the recipients will love the gifts suggest that customers were satisfied with their purchases and were likely to recommend them to others.
Baby Stores
- Blissbies SG - Newborn baby gifts & baby hampers is featured in The Best Baby Stores In Paya Lebar
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The analysis above is generated based on reviews by actual customers. The views & opinions expressed on this page are those of actual customers and do not reflect the views of WhereCrowded.
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Blissbies SG - Newborn baby gifts & baby hampers
60 Paya Lebar Rd, #07-54 Paya Lebar Square, Singapore 409051
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