BTO DOOR PTE LTD | Balestier

- Address
432 Balestier Rd, #01-442, Singapore 329813
(Shopping Houze) - Phone Number
- +65 8481 3288
- Website
- Opening Hours
Monday 12 to 8PM
Tuesday 12 to 8PM
Wednesday 12 to 8PM
Thursday 12 to 8PM
Friday 12 to 8PM
Saturday 12 to 8PM
Sunday 11AM to 6PM
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This Door Supplier
Overall, the reviews for this place are quite mixed. While some customers had a terrible experience with issues such as poor communication, incompetent installers, and unfinished work, others had a fantastic experience with attentive and patient service.
The positive reviewers specifically mentioned the good customer service provided by Wei Shen and Kai Wen, as well as the quality of the products. However, the negative reviews highlighted issues with installation, quality of the doors, and overall customer service.
It seems that the overall experience at this place can vary depending on the specific salesperson or installer assigned to the customer. -
Recent Reviews
- Customers appreciate the friendly and attentive service provided by the staff, particularly Wei Shen and Kai Wen, as well as the quality of the doors and timely installation, although some have experienced significant issues with communication and installation execution.
Door Suppliers
- BTO DOOR PTE LTD is featured in The Best Door Suppliers In Balestier
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About Our Reviews
The analysis above is generated based on reviews by actual customers. The views & opinions expressed on this page are those of actual customers and do not reflect the views of WhereCrowded.
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Door Suppliers In Balestier
432 Balestier Rd, #01-442, Singapore 329813