BUILDERSmart | Changi

- Address
11 Changi South Street 1, Singapore 486787 - Phone Number
- +65 6545 5333
- Website
- Opening Hours
Monday 7:30AM to 4:55PM
Tuesday 7:30AM to 4:55PM
Wednesday 7:30AM to 4:55PM
Thursday 7:30AM to 4:55PM
Friday 7:30AM to 4:55PM
Saturday 7:30AM to 12:50PM
Sunday Closed
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This DIY & Hardware Store
Based on the reviews, this shop seems to have a wide variety of products available for purchase. Customers have mentioned that it is a wonderful place to purchase tools, especially for those looking for quality and branded items with warranties.
The service has been described as excellent by some, while others have mentioned poor and rude service, with staff ignoring customers. It seems like this shop caters more towards contractors or mass buyers, rather than normal retail customers.
Overall, it appears to be a good place to shop for tools and industrial supplies if you are looking for specific brands and quality products. However, it may not be the best option for those seeking a more welcoming and customer-focused shopping experience.
Recent Reviews
- Based on the reviews, people bought tools from this shop, specifically looking for quality, branded tools with warranty.
DIY & Hardware Stores
- BUILDERSmart is featured in The Best DIY & Hardware Stores In Changi
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The analysis above is generated based on reviews by actual customers. The views & opinions expressed on this page are those of actual customers and do not reflect the views of WhereCrowded.
- Help make the review for this place better & more accurate by sharing your review/feedback.
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