Eye Care Clinic Bishan | Bishan

Eye Care Clinic Bishan
Blk 501 Bishan St.11, #01-376, Singapore 570501
Phone Number
+65 6352 6888
Opening Hours
Monday  9 to 11AM
Tuesday  9 to 11AM, 2 to 6:30PM
Wednesday  9 to 11AM
Thursday  9 to 11AM, 2 to 6:30PM
Friday  Closed
Saturday  Closed
Sunday  Closed
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This Eye Clinic
Overall, customers have had a positive experience at this clinic with Dr Yap. They appreciate the friendly and thorough checks done by both Dr Yap and his staff.

Many customers have been coming to the clinic for years and trust Dr Yap for their eye care needs. Dr Yap is described as good, polite, friendly, and patient, providing thorough check-ups and analysis of their situations.

The overall consensus is that the clinic offers great service and is recommended for eye care needs.
People appreciate the clinic for its friendly and thorough care provided by Dr. Yap and his staff.
About Our Reviews
The analysis above is generated based on reviews by actual customers. The views & opinions expressed on this page are those of actual customers and do not reflect the views of WhereCrowded.
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Eye Clinics In Bishan

Eye Care Clinic Bishan

Blk 501 Bishan St.11, #01-376, Singapore 570501

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