He Feng Foot Reflexology | Commonwealth

- Address
He Feng Foot Reflexology
47 Tanglin Halt Rd, Block 47, Singapore 141047 - Phone Number
- +65 6455 9703
- Opening Hours
Monday 11AM to 9PM
Tuesday 11AM to 9PM
Wednesday 11AM to 9PM
Thursday 11AM to 9PM
Friday 11AM to 9PM
Saturday 11AM to 9PM
Sunday 11AM to 9PM
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This Massage & Spa
Based on customer reviews, it seems that this business provides excellent massage services with skilled and experienced therapists who are able to effectively treat various physical issues such as stiff neck and shoulders, sports injuries, and spine alignment. Customers have praised the therapists for their knowledge, focus on problem areas, and ability to provide a calming and relaxing environment.
The business also seems to have consistent quality of service, with customers returning for multiple visits and continuing to have positive experiences. Additionally, the reasonable pricing has been mentioned as a positive aspect of the business.
Overall, this business appears to be highly recommended for those seeking effective and knowledgeable massage therapy. -
Recent Reviews
- Customers highly recommend the service for its skilled therapists, effective treatment of stiff muscles, focus on problem areas, calming environment, and experienced staff.
Massage & Spas
- He Feng Foot Reflexology is featured in The Best Massage & Spas In Commonwealth
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The analysis above is generated based on reviews by actual customers. The views & opinions expressed on this page are those of actual customers and do not reflect the views of WhereCrowded.
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The Visually Impaired Massage
48 Tanglin Halt Rd, #01-331, Singapore
He Feng Foot Reflexology
47 Tanglin Halt Rd, Block 47, Singapore 141047