I-Tec Supermart Pte Ltd | Balestier

I-Tec Supermart Pte Ltd
367 Balestier Rd, Singapore 329786
Phone Number
+65 6258 5896
Opening Hours
Monday  Open 24 hours
Tuesday  Open 24 hours
Wednesday  Open 24 hours
Thursday  Open 24 hours
Friday  Open 24 hours
Saturday  Open 24 hours
Sunday  Open 24 hours
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This Supermarket
Overall, the supermarket has a wide selection of items and is conveniently open 24 hours. Prices are reasonable, although some customers have encountered spoiled products and rude staff members.

Despite these issues, many customers found the vast selection of products, attractive prices, and convenient location to be highly enjoyable. The store also has a good selection of products and nice prices, making it a decent option for shopping.

People like the wide selection of products, attractive prices, and convenient 24-hour operation of this supermarket despite encountering some unfriendly staff.
  • I-Tec Supermart Pte Ltd is featured in The Best Supermarkets In Balestier

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    The analysis above is generated based on reviews by actual customers. The views & opinions expressed on this page are those of actual customers and do not reflect the views of WhereCrowded.
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