La Parfait Haircare & Spa | Ang Mo Kio

- Address
La Parfait Haircare & Spa
453 #01-1803, Ang Mo Kio Ave 10, Singapore 560453 - Phone Number
- +65 6261 5258
- Opening Hours
Monday Closed
Tuesday 9AM to 8PM
Wednesday 9AM to 8PM
Thursday 9AM to 8PM
Friday 9AM to 8PM
Saturday 9AM to 8PM
Sunday 9AM to 8PM
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This Beauty & Wellness Store
Customers have had a positive experience at this salon, which offers a nice and cozy environment in a neighborhood area. The staff are friendly and professional, providing excellent service for hair treatments.
The recent takeover by JiaJia88 hair salon has led to promotions and affordable prices, making it worth a try. Customers have been happy with the results of treatments such as soft rebonding, keratin treatment, herbal dye, and scalp treatment.
The use of natural herbal solutions for treatments adds to the appeal of this salon. Overall, customers recommend this place for a pleasant and effective hair treatment experience.
Recent Reviews
- People like the cozy environment, friendly and professional staff, affordable prices, and high quality services such as scalp treatments and hair treatments using natural herbal solutions.
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The analysis above is generated based on reviews by actual customers. The views & opinions expressed on this page are those of actual customers and do not reflect the views of WhereCrowded.
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La Parfait Haircare & Spa
453 #01-1803, Ang Mo Kio Ave 10, Singapore 560453