Let's Move Dance Studio | Kovan

- Address
Let's Move Dance Studio
767 Upper Serangoon Rd, #01-03 Spazio @ Kovan, Singapore 534635 - Phone Number
- +65 9755 7285
- Opening Hours
Monday 9AM to 10PM
Tuesday 9AM to 10PM
Wednesday 9AM to 10PM
Thursday 9AM to 10PM
Friday 9AM to 10PM
Saturday 9AM to 10PM
Sunday 9AM to 10PM
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This Dance Studio
Based on the reviews, it seems like this place offers a positive overall experience and excellent services. While it may be a bit difficult to find for first-timers, once located, the convenience of public transportation makes it accessible.
The in-charge is described as friendly and helpful, creating a welcoming atmosphere. The dance classes seem to be a hit with both children and adults, with passionate and professional teachers who are patient and accommodating.
The positive feedback from customers highlights the care and dedication of the owner and the enjoyment experienced by all who attend classes. Overall, this place seems to be a highly recommended choice for those looking to learn dance in a clean, quiet, and friendly environment.
Recent Reviews
- Customers like the convenience of the location, the cleanliness and quiet atmosphere, passionate and generous teachers, the progress in dance skills, the enjoyable classes, professional and patient teachers, and the kindness and caring attitude of the owner.
Dance Studios
- Let's Move Dance Studio is featured in The Best Dance Studios In Kovan
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The analysis above is generated based on reviews by actual customers. The views & opinions expressed on this page are those of actual customers and do not reflect the views of WhereCrowded.
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Dance Studios In Kovan
Let's Move Dance Studio
767 Upper Serangoon Rd, #01-03 Spazio @ Kovan, Singapore 534635
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