Lifesystems Chiropractic Pte Ltd | Queenstown

- Address
Lifesystems Chiropractic Pte Ltd
237 Alexandra Rd, #05-12 The Alexcier, Singapore 159929
(The Alexcier) - Phone Number
- +65 9027 8659
- Opening Hours
Monday 12 to 7PM
Tuesday 8AM to 3PM
Wednesday 12 to 7PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 8AM to 3PM
Saturday 8AM to 3PM
Sunday Closed
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This Chiropractor
Based on the reviews, the overall experience and services at this chiropractic clinic seem to be exceptional. Patients have reported significant improvements in their physical conditions after just a few sessions with Dr Timothy Lim.
Many have praised his holistic approach to health and his ability to provide solid advice on lifestyle habits. Patients have also mentioned feeling cared for and supported throughout their treatment.
The clinic seems to prioritize personalized care and effective treatments over expensive packages or unnecessary services. Overall, patients highly recommend Dr Lim for anyone seeking relief from pain or discomfort.
Recent Reviews
- Customers appreciate Dr. Timothy Lim's holistic approach to chiropractic care, his ability to address specific issues effectively, and his dedication to improving overall health and well-being.
- Lifesystems Chiropractic Pte Ltd is featured in The Best Chiropractors In Queenstown
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The analysis above is generated based on reviews by actual customers. The views & opinions expressed on this page are those of actual customers and do not reflect the views of WhereCrowded.
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Chiropractors In Queenstown
Lifesystems Chiropractic Pte Ltd
237 Alexandra Rd, #05-12 The Alexcier, Singapore 159929
Chiropractic First - Alexandra Retail Centre Clinic
460 Alexandra Rd, #02-11 Alexandra Retail Centre (ARC), Singapore 119963