Luthier Guitar | Bukit Timah

Luthier Guitar
1 Jalan Anak Bukit, #02-07, Singapore 588996
(Bukit Timah Plaza)
Phone Number
+65 6466 6835
Opening Hours
Monday  1 to 7PM
Tuesday  Closed
Wednesday  12 to 7PM
Thursday  12 to 7PM
Friday  12 to 7:30PM
Saturday  12 to 7PM
Sunday  1 to 6PM
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This Music Store
Based on the customer reviews, this business seems to have a mix of positive and negative experiences. The majority of customers mentioned the friendly and helpful service provided by the shop owner or staff.

They appreciated being able to try out guitars and receive assistance without feeling pressured to make a purchase. The shop had a good selection of well-maintained guitars, and customers were able to find instruments that suited their preferences.

However, there were some negative experiences mentioned as well. One customer had a bad experience with customer service at the Orchard Plaza branch, where they were not allowed to test a guitar before purchasing it.

Another customer had a negative experience with after-sales service at the Bukit Timah branch, where they refused to fix a defect on a guitar they purchased. Additionally, another customer had an issue with inconsistent opening hours, causing inconvenience and wasted time.

Overall, while there were some mixed reviews, it seems that the shop generally offers a good selection of guitars and provides friendly service to customers. It may be worth visiting the shop to see for yourself and make your own judgment based on your experience.

Customers appreciate the friendly and helpful service, the opportunity to try out guitars, and the well-maintained selection of guitars available at the shop.
About Our Reviews
The analysis above is generated based on reviews by actual customers. The views & opinions expressed on this page are those of actual customers and do not reflect the views of WhereCrowded.
Help make the review for this place better & more accurate by sharing your review/feedback.

Music Stores In Bukit Timah

Luthier Guitar

1 Jalan Anak Bukit, #02-07, Singapore 588996

Asia Music Book Store

Bukit Timah Rd, 188, Singapore 229856

MusicNuts! Academy & Bookstore

170 Upper Bukit Timah Rd, #02-51 Shopping Centre, Singapore 588179

Wax Guitar Services

68 Jln Jurong Kechil, #01-33 Suites @ Bukit Timah, Singapore 596180

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