Nike | City Hall

3 Temasek Blvd, #01-375 / 376 / 377, Singapore 038983
(Suntec City)
Phone Number
+65 6837 0871
Opening Hours
Monday  11AM to 9:30PM
Tuesday  11AM to 9:30PM
Wednesday  11AM to 9:30PM
Thursday  11AM to 9:30PM
Friday  11AM to 9:30PM
Saturday  11AM to 9:30PM
Sunday  11AM to 9:30PM
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This Sporting Goods Store
Based on the reviews, it seems that Suntech Nike has received mixed feedback from customers. Some customers have had positive experiences, such as finding helpful and knowledgeable staff who provided excellent customer service.

Customers appreciated the patience and reassurance shown by the staff, especially when it came to exchanges or finding the right size in other outlets. However, there were also negative experiences shared by customers.

Some mentioned encountering rude and unhelpful staff members who exhibited poor attitudes towards customers. This behavior can greatly affect the overall shopping experience and may deter customers from returning to the store in the future.

Additionally, some customers were disappointed by the lack of available stock, such as the absence of basketball shoes or certain sizes, which could have been addressed with better inventory management. Overall, Suntech Nike may benefit from addressing issues related to staff attitude and customer service, as well as ensuring that their store inventory is up to date to prevent any wasted trips for customers.

While some customers have had positive experiences, there is room for improvement in order to provide a consistently enjoyable shopping experience for all customers.
People bought Nike shoes from Suntech Nike based on the reviews provided.
About Our Reviews
The analysis above is generated based on reviews by actual customers. The views & opinions expressed on this page are those of actual customers and do not reflect the views of WhereCrowded.
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andar Singapore (Daily&co)

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