Odyssey The Global Preschool - Dempsey | Tanglin

- Address
Odyssey The Global Preschool - Dempsey
29 Harding Rd, Singapore 249537 - Phone Number
- +65 6333 5888
- Website
- https://theodyssey.sg/
- Opening Hours
Monday 7AM to 7PM
Tuesday 7AM to 7PM
Wednesday 7AM to 7PM
Thursday 7AM to 7PM
Friday 7AM to 7PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This Preschool
The overall experience of Odyssey Dempsey based on customer reviews is extremely positive. Parents are consistently impressed by the beauty of the campus, the range of activities offered, the quality of the teachers, and the development and growth they see in their children.
The staff is praised for being friendly, nurturing, and passionate, creating a safe and conducive learning environment for the children. The outdoor play area, forest feature, and weekly photo updates are highlighted as particular strengths of the school.
Overall, parents feel confident and happy with their choice of sending their children to Odyssey Dempsey. -
Recent Reviews
- People love the beautiful campus, outdoor play opportunities, wide range of activities, amazing teachers, warm and nurturing environment, and overall sense of confidence in leaving their children at Odyssey Dempsey.
- Odyssey The Global Preschool - Dempsey is featured in The Best Preschools In Tanglin
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The analysis above is generated based on reviews by actual customers. The views & opinions expressed on this page are those of actual customers and do not reflect the views of WhereCrowded.
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