Physio & Sole Clinic (Kembangan) | Bedok

Physio & Sole Clinic (Kembangan)
18 Jln Masjid, #02-04, Singapore 418944
(Kembangan Plaza)
Phone Number
+65 8766 9020
Opening Hours
Monday  Closed
Tuesday  9AM to 8PM
Wednesday  9:30AM to 6:30PM
Thursday  11AM to 8PM
Friday  9:30AM to 6:30PM
Saturday  9AM to 6PM
Sunday  Closed
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This Physical Therapist & Osteopath
Based on the reviews, the overall experience and services at Physio & Sole Clinic in Kembangan seem to be exceptional. The podiatrist, Ms Joanne Yap, was praised for her professionalism, knowledge, and meticulous care in treating various foot conditions.

Patients also appreciated the physiotherapists, specifically Joshua and Joey, for their expertise and dedication in helping them recover from injuries and surgeries. Their personalized treatment plans, patience in explaining exercises, and focus on overall body balance were highlighted in the reviews.

The receptionist was also commended for being friendly and patient. Overall, the clinic received high praise for its knowledgeable staff, effective treatments, and supportive environment.

Based on the positive feedback, it seems like a great place to seek professional care for podiatry and physiotherapy needs.
People like the professional and knowledgeable staff, personalized care, effective treatment, clear communication, patience, and support provided at Physio&Sole Clinic.
Physical Therapists & Osteopaths
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  • About Our Reviews
    The analysis above is generated based on reviews by actual customers. The views & opinions expressed on this page are those of actual customers and do not reflect the views of WhereCrowded.
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    Physical Therapists & Osteopaths In Bedok

    Physio & Sole Clinic (Kembangan)

    18 Jln Masjid, #02-04, Singapore 418944


    21 Bedok S Rd, Block 21, Singapore 460021

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