Piano DoReMi Pte Ltd | Bukit Batok

- Address
Piano DoReMi Pte Ltd
21 Bukit Batok Cres, #05-78 Wcega Tower, Singapore 658065 - Phone Number
- +65 8023 0432
- Opening Hours
Monday 9AM to 5PM
Tuesday 9AM to 5PM
Wednesday 9AM to 5PM
Thursday 9AM to 5PM
Friday 9AM to 5PM
Saturday 9AM to 5PM
Sunday 9AM to 5PM
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This Music Store
Based on the customer reviews, Piano DoReMi seems to offer a wide range of services related to pianos, including sales, rentals, and tuning. Customers have praised Lyn for her knowledge and helpful advice when it comes to choosing a piano, as well as the flexible rental options she provides.
The tuning service has also received positive feedback, with customers noting that their pianos sound great after the service. However, there is one review that highlights poor communication and customer service, with the customer experiencing delays and unresponsiveness when trying to contact the business.
Overall, the majority of reviews are positive, with customers highly recommending Piano DoReMi for their piano needs. -
Recent Reviews
- Customers appreciate the knowledgeable advice, flexible rental options, and professional tuning services at Piano DoReMi.
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The analysis above is generated based on reviews by actual customers. The views & opinions expressed on this page are those of actual customers and do not reflect the views of WhereCrowded.
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Music Stores In Bukit Batok
Music Lodge Pte Ltd
2019 Bukit Batok Street 23, #02-252, Singapore 659524
Piano DoReMi Pte Ltd
21 Bukit Batok Cres, #05-78 Wcega Tower, Singapore 658065