Quiche Nail Spa | City Hall

- Address
Quiche Nail Spa
6 Raffles Boulevard, #B1-07/08, Singapore 039594
(Marina Square) - Phone Number
- +65 6338 6960
- Opening Hours
Monday 11AM to 9PM
Tuesday 11AM to 9PM
Wednesday 11AM to 9PM
Thursday 11AM to 9PM
Friday 11AM to 9PM
Saturday 11AM to 9PM
Sunday 11AM to 9PM
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This Nail Salon & Beauty Salon
Based on the customer reviews, the overall experience at this nail spa seems to be hit or miss. While some customers have had positive experiences with the quality of the service, friendliness of the staff, and the cleanliness of the facilities, others have had issues with pushy sales tactics, subpar workmanship, and feeling like they were overcharged for the services received.
There are also concerns about hygiene practices and the potential for fungal infections. It seems that the customer experience can vary depending on the technician and the specific services received.
Customers may want to proceed with caution and do their research before visiting this nail spa. -
Recent Reviews
- While some customers appreciated the friendly staff and quality service at Quiche Nail Spa, others felt frustrated by the high-pressure sales tactics and poor workmanship, cautioning others to be cautious of potentially receiving fungal infections and uneven services.
Nail Salons & Beauty Salons
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About Our Reviews
The analysis above is generated based on reviews by actual customers. The views & opinions expressed on this page are those of actual customers and do not reflect the views of WhereCrowded.
- Help make the review for this place better & more accurate by sharing your review/feedback.
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