Sheng Siong Supermarket (Sin Ming Ave) | Bishan

Sheng Siong Supermarket (Sin Ming Ave)
410A Sin Ming Ave, Singapore 570409
Phone Number
+65 6970 2893
Opening Hours
Monday  7AM to 11PM
Tuesday  7AM to 11PM
Wednesday  7AM to 11PM
Thursday  7AM to 11PM
Friday  7AM to 11PM
Saturday  7AM to 11PM
Sunday  7AM to 11PM
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This Supermarket
Overall, the newly opened Sheng Siong supermarket at Sin Ming Ave has been met with overwhelmingly positive reviews from customers. They appreciate the convenience, wide variety of fresh produce, clean and organized layout, helpful staff, and budget-friendly prices.

Customers are thrilled to have a well-stocked supermarket in their neighborhood and highly recommend the location for its great selection and easy shopping experience. The presence of a fresh fish section and live seafood tanks also adds to the appeal of the store.

Despite some construction barriers outside, customers are pleased with the overall experience at the supermarket.
People like the convenience, wide variety, fresh produce, cleanliness, helpful staff, and budget-friendly prices at Sheng Shiong supermarket.
About Our Reviews
The analysis above is generated based on reviews by actual customers. The views & opinions expressed on this page are those of actual customers and do not reflect the views of WhereCrowded.
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