Shivsagar Trading Pte Ltd | Little India

Shivsagar Trading Pte Ltd
96 Desker Rd, Singapore 209618
Phone Number
+65 6846 9334
Opening Hours
Monday  9AM to 8PM
Tuesday  9AM to 8PM
Wednesday  9AM to 8PM
Thursday  9AM to 8PM
Friday  9AM to 8PM
Saturday  9AM to 8PM
Sunday  9AM to 8PM
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This Supermarket
Overall, Shivsagar Trading Pte Ltd seems to offer a wide variety of North Indian snacks, groceries, and vegetables compared to other Indian shops in Singapore. The majority of customers have praised the good service and ample variety of food items available at the store.

However, there have been some negative reviews regarding incomplete orders, unresponsive communication channels, and rude customer service from the owner. Despite these setbacks, the store is still highly recommended for its diverse selection of Indian products.

Customers like the wide variety of North Indian snacks, groceries and vegetables, as well as the good service provided by Shivsagar Trading Pte Ltd.
  • Shivsagar Trading Pte Ltd is featured in The Best Supermarkets In Little India

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  • About Our Reviews
    The analysis above is generated based on reviews by actual customers. The views & opinions expressed on this page are those of actual customers and do not reflect the views of WhereCrowded.
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