Soon Teck Hardware & Trading Pte Ltd | Woodlands

- Address
Soon Teck Hardware & Trading Pte Ltd
31 Woodlands Cl, #06-33, Horizon 737855
(Woodlands Horizon) - Phone Number
- +65 6292 3302
- Opening Hours
Monday 9AM to 5PM
Tuesday 9AM to 5PM
Wednesday 9AM to 5PM
Thursday 9AM to 5PM
Friday 9AM to 5PM
Saturday 9AM to 1PM
Sunday Closed
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This DIY & Hardware Store
Based on the reviews, it is clear that this hardware store provides exceptional service and a wide range of products. Customers have praised the friendliness of the staff, particularly Ivy, who seems to go above and beyond to assist customers.
The quick response time and efficient delivery service are also highly appreciated by customers. The store is described as a one-stop shop for all hardware needs, with reasonable prices that are much lower than other stores.
Customers have also mentioned the store's expertise in providing advice and assistance on using the products they sell. Overall, this hardware store seems to provide an excellent shopping experience, making it a highly recommended place to visit for all hardware and electronics needs.
Recent Reviews
- Based on the reviews, people likely bought hardware items such as screws, bolt nuts, masks, trolleys, electronics, and other items from this hardware store. Customers also appreciated the excellent customer service, reasonable prices, and knowledgeable staff.
DIY & Hardware Stores
- Soon Teck Hardware & Trading Pte Ltd is featured in The Best DIY & Hardware Stores In Woodlands
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About Our Reviews
The analysis above is generated based on reviews by actual customers. The views & opinions expressed on this page are those of actual customers and do not reflect the views of WhereCrowded.
- Help make the review for this place better & more accurate by sharing your review/feedback.
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