Taneo Dance Academy | Woodlands

- Address
Taneo Dance Academy
120 Woodlands Ave 1, #04-01, Singapore 739069 - Phone Number
- +65 9006 9416
- Opening Hours
Monday 6 to 9PM
Tuesday 6 to 9PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 6 to 9PM
Friday 6 to 9PM
Saturday 9AM to 9:30PM
Sunday 9AM to 6:30PM
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This Dance Studio
Based on the reviews, it is clear that Taneo Dance Academy provides a top-notch experience for both students and parents. The teachers are highly praised for their dedication and commitment to helping students improve and unlock their full potential in various genres of dance.
The studio offers a fun yet productive environment, with opportunities for students to explore different aspects of dance and even venture into the production industry. Many reviewers have highlighted the caring and friendly nature of the teachers, creating a positive and nurturing atmosphere for dancers of all ages.
The affordability of the classes, along with the passion and professionalism of the teachers, seem to be major factors contributing to the success of Taneo Dance Academy. Overall, it appears to be a highly recommended dance studio for anyone looking to learn and grow in their dance journey.
Recent Reviews
- People like the passionate and caring teachers, variety of dance genres offered, opportunities for exposure in the dance industry, affordable prices, and positive and fun environment at Taneo Dance Academy.
Dance Studios
- Taneo Dance Academy is featured in The Best Dance Studios In Woodlands
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The analysis above is generated based on reviews by actual customers. The views & opinions expressed on this page are those of actual customers and do not reflect the views of WhereCrowded.
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