The Precious Pets | Bukit Batok

The Precious Pets
Singapore 650337
Phone Number
+65 9697 3337
Opening Hours
Monday  10AM to 6PM
Tuesday  10AM to 6PM
Wednesday  10AM to 6PM
Thursday  10AM to 6PM
Friday  10AM to 6PM
Saturday  10AM to 6PM
Sunday  Closed
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This Pet Groomer / Pet Sitter
Based on the customer reviews, it is clear that Precious Pets provides exceptional pet grooming services. Customers expressed their trust and gratitude towards the groomers, highlighting their professionalism, patience, and expertise.

The groomers are praised for their ability to handle pets with care and provide valuable advice to pet owners. The convenience of the mobile grooming service was also appreciated by customers.

Overall, Precious Pets seems to have established a strong reputation for reliable and high-quality pet grooming services, making them a reliable choice for pet owners looking for top-notch care for their furry friends.
Based on the customer reviews, the services offered include pet grooming for rabbits, bunnies, cats, and dogs. The groomers are described as professional, patient, attentive, skilled, and reliable. They provide mobile grooming services and are highly recommended for their expertise, care, and ability to handle pets calmly and gently. The groomers also offer advice and feedback on pet care, making the experience comfortable and trustworthy for the customers.
About Our Reviews
The analysis above is generated based on reviews by actual customers. The views & opinions expressed on this page are those of actual customers and do not reflect the views of WhereCrowded.
Help make the review for this place better & more accurate by sharing your review/feedback.

Pet Groomers / Pet Sitters In Bukit Batok

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347 Bukit Batok Street 34, #01-266, Singapore 650347

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395A Bukit Batok West Ave. 5, Singapore 651395

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109 Bukit Batok West Ave 6, #01-02, Singapore 650109

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